ACIT Media
MTV (Music Television)
Choose one project from the left two projects, and one project from the right two projects. Be sure to complete the Google Form on G. Classroom to select your projects.
NEW - You only have to create an edit for at least three minutes of the video and not the entire song.
Also: Don't forget you can now work in groups of 3. Edit Projects
Group Music PR ProjectYour goal is to produce Media products to launch an artist and music
Research Projects
Music Video AnalysisMusic Video Literary Discussion The Concept Album (?)
- Select an artists from one of the descriptions on the Next Big Thing info page.
- You group needs to create a media profile and portfolio to launch this artist.
- Develop media representations that show how, where and why you will use certain media to reach the masses about this artist.
Next Big Thing project directions
Brief History of Music GenresClassical Music BLUES COUNTRY SOUL ROCK REGGAE JAZZ RAP & HIP HOP PUNK & FUNK