Elements of ART for Design.
Principles and Elements of Art Descriptions
- In this unit you will use the online application Canva to create a number of unique media products.
- All the media products can be created on the app.
- You will need to acquire various images, pictures, fonts, and perhaps video to upload for your projects.
- After completing each project, you will upload it to your Media folder on Google Drive and post it on Google Classroom.
- Be prepared to discuss elements of art in your media creations.
POSTER Look at examples of posters via a web search Suggestions for your poster include:
Canva Final Project |
For your final project, you will work with a client, (one of your teachers), to develop a unique Canva project for a Google Header.
- Identify a teacher to work with.
- Explain your project - To create a unique Google Header with their specifications
- Offer them the Order Form for Custom Google Header
- Make an appointment to meet with the teacher to discuss the design process
- Begin creating the header(s) - (You might want to collect a few examples to offer your client)
- Suggested: Begin a new Google Doc / Insert your new Logo at the top of the Doc / Screenshot single designs on Canva / Copy to the clipboard / Paste into your new Google Doc/ Share the doc with your teacher/ How to take a screenshot on a Chromebook/ On a typical PC, choose the FM key on the bottom left of the keyboard and the Print Screen Key on the top right keyboard to pull up the select cursor. Then hold down the mouse, drag and select and choose Copy to Clipboard.
- Meet with your teacher and finalize the design elements
- Create your design(s)
- Share with your teacher and note changes and/or additions.
- Finalize your design
- Distribute to your teacher as a .pnj or a jpg file.
- Upload your designs to the Google Classroom assignment page.